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The 5 Worst Foods Lurking in Your Kitchen

The 5 Worst Foods Lurking in Your Kitchen Everyone agrees that home-cooked meals are healthier than most foods on the store shelves. However, many common ingredients used in the kitchen cause just as much harm as junk food and sugar. Some are packed with chemicals, such as MSG and other carcinogens. Some contain dangerous bacteria that trigger infections and affect immune function. Others boast hidden toxins and sugars, pesticides, trans fats, and empty calories. So, here are the five worst foods lurking in the kitchen: Leftovers Using leftovers for cooking is a great way to save time and money. Unfortunately, leftover food may be contaminated with E.Coli, listeria, salmonella, and other harmful microorganisms. These germs can cause food borne illnesses, which are particularly dangerous for kids, pregnant women, seniors, and people with a compromised immune system. Common symptoms include vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and allergic reactions. In severe cases, food borne illnesses may lead to kidney failure and even death. Mayonnaise The mayonnaise found in stores is typically made with trans fats, chemicals, refined oils, and artificial flavors. It also has preservatives and other harmful substances that affect overall health. The saturated fat in mayo clogs the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, and atherosclerosis. Some brands boast up to 1400 calories and 160 grams of fat per cup. Lighter versions are not safe either. The best way to avoid these problems is to make mayonnaise at home using eggs, olive oil, mustard, vinegar, and spices. Be aware that mayo is not recommended during pregnancy. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to hundreds of foods and ingredients. This flavor enhancer damages the brain and induces cell death. It's a well-known excitotoxin, leading to serious health problems, such as depression, fatigue, migraines, poor vision, and obesity. Researchers have called it "the silent killer" for a good reason. When consumed in large doses, MSG may cause short-term reactions like nausea, drowsiness, arrhythmia, chest pain, tingling, and numbness. This substance is found in yeast extract, textured protein, gelatin, powdered milk, corn starch, soy sauce, chicken stock, bouillon, natural flavors, seasonings, and other ingredients that are a staple in any household. Customers can avoid it by reading food labels. Lunch Meat Ham, deli cold cots, canned meat, bologna, and other similar foods are loaded with sodium, nitrites, and preservatives. Lunch meat has been linked to a high risk of colorectal cancer, stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Not to mention that it's less nutritious than traditional meat. Moreover, the World Health Organization has classified these foods as carcinogenic. To stay safe, avoid any processed meats containing aspartame, corn syrup, smoke flavor, BHT, BHA, MSG, and sodium nitrate. Tilefish Tilefish is cheap, delicious, and easy too cook, but it also boasts high mercury levels. Eating tilefish is pretty much the same as drinking battery acid. Its side effects include miscarriage, birth defects, damage to the central nervous system, and allergic reactions. The same goes for albacore and white tuna, swordfish, snapper, shrimps, and king mackerel. To reduce mercury exposure, opt for light tuna, Atlantic mackerel, wild-caught salmon, cod, lobster, crab, wild bass, trout, or mussels. These fish are packed with protein and have the lowest mercury levels.
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